Add the Ceili/Performance Team class to your monthly tuition payment here! This is an additional fun, weekly class, where we will explore the team side and performance side of Irish dancing. We will learn all of the traditional ceili dances, make up contemporary ones, practice performance routines, and even learn numbers from Riverdance!
Please note there is a $2.50 administration fee applied to all online tuition payments.
Ceili/Performance Team Class
Should we cancel a class for any reason, i.e. a snow day, we will make it up in June at the end of our session. June's tuition will reflect Snow Day's/Class Cancellations.
Should you miss a class for any reason, i.e. a sick day, you are welcome to make it up at a class of the same level, in any of our locations, within the month of the missed class - just fill out your make up class form online and you're good to go!