This is for any of the pay as you go classes that we offer infrequently throughout the year OR if you paid your monthly tuition in full and attended an extra class that month. An example would be the 'March Performance Masterclass', an 'Oireachtas practice' etc.
Payment for drop in/pay as you go classes are due on the same calendar day as the class attended (or in advance in your tuition payment). Should you forget to pay for your drop in class that same day there is a $5 late fee added to your payment. If that happens, please toggle down to include the late fee on your purchase.
Please note there is a $2.50 administration fee applied to all online tuition payments.
Extra Class/Drop In Payment
Should we cancel a class for any reason, i.e. a snow day, we will make it up in June at the end of our session. June's tuition will reflect Snow Day's/Class Cancellations.
Should you miss a class for any reason, i.e. a sick day, you are welcome to make it up at a class of the same level, in any of our locations, within the month of the missed class. You don't even have to give us a heads up! Just stop by and enjoy your make up class!